Recommendations for Tau 9 Treaty Negotiations
This short paper presents some basic recommendations for moving forward with Tau 9 Treaty discussions. Some of these recommendations may not be well-received by those with a hidden agenda. However, if we are to attain any position of respect and influence in our galaxy, then we will adopt these principles both in thought and deed. We will likely not be allowed to participate in the valuable trading of technologies, until we profess these ideals. These recommendations then, are directed to those involved with the negotiations.
Seth Quotes; (1) “...there is no justification for killing, there is no justification for hatred, there is no justification for violence ...When you curse another, you curse yourselves and the curse comes back to you. When you are violent for any cause, the violence returns.”
(2) “I have told you before, however, that there is never any justification for violence. There is never any justification for threats...The means creates the end. And if the means are violent, the ends are violent.”
(3) "That would be a prime directive: Thou shalt not kill, even in the pursuit of your ideals.”
(4) “Strength does not come in national terms, real strength, by bullying aggressive stance. But it does come when the people within a nation are making an honest effort to bring about in physical reality the materialization of their individual and mass ideals.”
(5) “I cannot say this often enough: Your beliefs form your reality, your body and its condition, your personal relationships, your environment, and en masse your civilization and world.”