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Richard lighthouse®
A technical blog on certain frequencies and harmonics.
Blinking Universe®, Lighthouse Frequency® and Richard Lighthouse® are Registered Trademarks at the USPTO.
Richard Lighthouse® has published more than 100 e-books, many of which are free on this website,,, Google Play,, Lulu, Kobo, and other websites. The author holds a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and has previously worked for NASA. Free technical papers:
Proposed - New Standard Model for Elementary Particles (1024-QAM)
"Lighthouse Model"
Beyond the Standard Model (BSM)
Latest revision to the 1024 model - 5 April 2024. The particles are in mathematical order, by mass. Note that it includes mass estimates (in red) for each of the unknown particles. Note how the Bosons create the boundary conditions. The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles, based on 1024-QAM. The gray boxes identify those particles that are currently known. Note how the pattern of Leptons and Quarks is predictable.
Attn: DARPA - stop stealing my Intellectual Property.
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"Lighthouse Model"
Beyond the Standard Model (BSM)
Latest revision to the 1024 model - 5 April 2024. The particles are in mathematical order, by mass. Note that it includes mass estimates (in red) for each of the unknown particles. Note how the Bosons create the boundary conditions. The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles, based on 1024-QAM. The gray boxes identify those particles that are currently known. Note how the pattern of Leptons and Quarks is predictable.
Attn: DARPA - stop stealing my Intellectual Property.
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Revision 10.1 to the QAM model - missing particles have been named.
1. QAM pattern is due to a blinking universe at 1.1 THz.
2. Red mass values are engineering estimates +/- 20%.
3. Evidence is already available in existing data at SLAC, Fermi & CERN.
4. Some particle lifetimes are much less than 1 trillionth of second.
5. Nyquist-Shannon theory requires sample rate of 2.2 Thz or faster
6. Cameras at CERN: 40 million frames/second is too slow.
7. Mathematical pattern of particle masses may be similar to hyperbolic function.
8. High pass/low pass filter creates a "mass trap" for detection.
9. Supersymmetry is present, but not shown on this table.
10. DARPA has been stealing my intellectual property for many years. RICO organization.
1. QAM pattern is due to a blinking universe at 1.1 THz.
2. Red mass values are engineering estimates +/- 20%.
3. Evidence is already available in existing data at SLAC, Fermi & CERN.
4. Some particle lifetimes are much less than 1 trillionth of second.
5. Nyquist-Shannon theory requires sample rate of 2.2 Thz or faster
6. Cameras at CERN: 40 million frames/second is too slow.
7. Mathematical pattern of particle masses may be similar to hyperbolic function.
8. High pass/low pass filter creates a "mass trap" for detection.
9. Supersymmetry is present, but not shown on this table.
10. DARPA has been stealing my intellectual property for many years. RICO organization.
Revision 10.3
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CAUTION: The government criminals (NSA) have likely placed tracking tags on files and images on this website.

Revision 10.4
Calculate the Fundamental Frequency - One Mathematical Approach:
The anthropic principle states that observations of our physical universe should be compatible with the life (us) that observes it. Using the Anthropic Principle, we can demonstrate a "fundamental" energy with the fundamental temperature/freezing point of water, and the Boltzmann constant:
3 * 8.62E-05 eV/K * 273.15 K = 70.614 meV
and then convert this into a frequency using the Planck constant
70.614 meV/ (hbar * pi^4) = 1.1 THz
Note that pi^4 is pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime dimensions.
The full equation can be found in "Blinking Universe: Alternate Mathematical Solution" and this is an approximation. Experimental tests need to be performed to determine the precise frequency. Using the Anthropic Principle, the calculated value is approximately: 1,101,361,642,963 Hz
2 NEW e-Books:
New eBook - Richard Lighthouse:
"Blinking Universe: 30 Technical Papers on Theory & Applications" Free - Right click & download. This file has been scanned by VirScan for virus and malware. File size = 5.1 MB Our universe literally blinks, off and on, more than 1 trillion times each second. |
"Elementary Particles, QAM, and the New Standard Model"
File Size=4.064MB This ebook covers the Theory and Applications for the discovery of 1024 Elementary Particles. The main reason that CERN has not discovered these 1024 particles is due to the slow speed of the "camera system" at CERN. 40 million frames per second is much too slow. The minimum frame rate of 2.2 THz is needed to capture all of the phenomena, according to Nyquist-Shannon theory. |

Table H-1. Harmonics of the Lighthouse Frequency versus Laser Wavelengths.
Harmonics of the Lighthouse Frequency & Laser wavelengths. This diagram shows how the Lighthouse Frequency is used as a weapon. Harmonic numbers 256 & 512 are being used by the USAF & US Space Force. Highlighted in yellow are the harmonics which are very close to known laser frequencies. By utilizing the Expanding Neutral Point - rapid aging occurs at the target. Note the overhead view of the World Trade Center on 9/11 - cookie cutter holes that go thru steel and concrete.
Harmonics of the Lighthouse Frequency & Laser wavelengths. This diagram shows how the Lighthouse Frequency is used as a weapon. Harmonic numbers 256 & 512 are being used by the USAF & US Space Force. Highlighted in yellow are the harmonics which are very close to known laser frequencies. By utilizing the Expanding Neutral Point - rapid aging occurs at the target. Note the overhead view of the World Trade Center on 9/11 - cookie cutter holes that go thru steel and concrete.
The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles, based on 1024-QAM. The gray boxes identify those particles that are currently known. Note how the pattern of Leptons and Quarks is predictable.
Gravity & Electromagnetism - Unified
Important Mathematical Discovery - Gravity & Electromagnetism unified. Note that the 2 equations of Newton's Gravity and Coulomb's Law have a similar form. Also note that when
Limit (r) ---> 0, both of these equations approach a singularity,
implying that a mathematical and physical unification occurs at a single point (our universe is blinking). The 1/r^2 term also occurs with calculations of the strong nuclear force. This cannot be a mere coincidence. No one has ever provided simple mathematical evidence that unifies gravity and electromagnetism - this is an important mathematical first. See my free ebook - "Gravity & Electromagnetism Unified."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles," which provides compelling mathematical evidence. Available on this website for free.
And on YouTube:
Colonel Philip Corso, author of "THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL"; interviews with Colonel Corso regarding the Army's investigation of the 1947 Roswell vehicle, "We were never able to figure out how the propulsion system works...We only know it has something to do with blinking." Recorded 1997.
Terahertz sampling can be done using the UCLA "Time Stretching" technique in "Femtosecond Real-time Single-Shot Digitizer", Jason Chou, et al., Applied Physics Letters, 91, 161105; (2007).
The Experiment to demonstrate a blinking universe is simple, and can be done in many university labs today.
- data sampled at 2x blinking frequency per Nyquist-Shannon. The gravitational acceleration will be found to vary continuously (like a sine wave) between zero and a maximum value = 9.81mps^2/.637 = 15.4 mps^2, and yet retain a time-averaged value of 9.81. Similarly, the electromagnetic force will also be found to vary continuously and retain a time-averaged value.
Other evidence: ..... Note Figure 63 and Figure 37 below. Dr Wood spent many years researching this and filed suit against the US Government, along with Dr Morgan Reynolds. Jet fuel does not burn through concrete and steel. The cookie-cutter holes were made by a high-powered laser that rapidly ages material - and turned the concrete and steel into dust in seconds. Note Figure 38(a) here:
...Watch the steel beams turn into dust while standing vertically. Not caused by burning jet fuel. This infrared laser operates at a harmonic of the blinking frequency - which causes rapid aging or molecular time travel (Point E in Figure U-1). [infrared harmonic = 1.1 THz * 256 = 282 THz]
(2) The Hutchison effect has been demonstrated in many videos by John Hutchison, by combining radio frequencies with light x-rays - resulting in the recorded levitation of objects. This is readily explained as resonance at a harmonic of the blinking frequency. See the ebook "Massless Travel" on this website, which provides the math for how this works.
Virginia Diodes and OML Inc., make harmonic mixers that are capable of reaching the Terahertz range. ( & The first harmonic that can be used is 2.202 THz.
Important Mathematical Discovery - Gravity & Electromagnetism unified. Note that the 2 equations of Newton's Gravity and Coulomb's Law have a similar form. Also note that when
Limit (r) ---> 0, both of these equations approach a singularity,
implying that a mathematical and physical unification occurs at a single point (our universe is blinking). The 1/r^2 term also occurs with calculations of the strong nuclear force. This cannot be a mere coincidence. No one has ever provided simple mathematical evidence that unifies gravity and electromagnetism - this is an important mathematical first. See my free ebook - "Gravity & Electromagnetism Unified."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles," which provides compelling mathematical evidence. Available on this website for free.
And on YouTube:
Colonel Philip Corso, author of "THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL"; interviews with Colonel Corso regarding the Army's investigation of the 1947 Roswell vehicle, "We were never able to figure out how the propulsion system works...We only know it has something to do with blinking." Recorded 1997.
Terahertz sampling can be done using the UCLA "Time Stretching" technique in "Femtosecond Real-time Single-Shot Digitizer", Jason Chou, et al., Applied Physics Letters, 91, 161105; (2007).
The Experiment to demonstrate a blinking universe is simple, and can be done in many university labs today.
- data sampled at 2x blinking frequency per Nyquist-Shannon. The gravitational acceleration will be found to vary continuously (like a sine wave) between zero and a maximum value = 9.81mps^2/.637 = 15.4 mps^2, and yet retain a time-averaged value of 9.81. Similarly, the electromagnetic force will also be found to vary continuously and retain a time-averaged value.
Other evidence: ..... Note Figure 63 and Figure 37 below. Dr Wood spent many years researching this and filed suit against the US Government, along with Dr Morgan Reynolds. Jet fuel does not burn through concrete and steel. The cookie-cutter holes were made by a high-powered laser that rapidly ages material - and turned the concrete and steel into dust in seconds. Note Figure 38(a) here:
...Watch the steel beams turn into dust while standing vertically. Not caused by burning jet fuel. This infrared laser operates at a harmonic of the blinking frequency - which causes rapid aging or molecular time travel (Point E in Figure U-1). [infrared harmonic = 1.1 THz * 256 = 282 THz]
(2) The Hutchison effect has been demonstrated in many videos by John Hutchison, by combining radio frequencies with light x-rays - resulting in the recorded levitation of objects. This is readily explained as resonance at a harmonic of the blinking frequency. See the ebook "Massless Travel" on this website, which provides the math for how this works.
Virginia Diodes and OML Inc., make harmonic mixers that are capable of reaching the Terahertz range. ( & The first harmonic that can be used is 2.202 THz.
Figure U-1. Sine wave of our blinking universe. The 4 fundamental forces will all be found to vary continuously when sampled at 2x the blinking frequency, per Nyquist-Shannon theory. Rapid aging occurs at the E point in the cycle. Weightless or massless condition occurs at the C point. The 4 fundamental forces are related by phase angle - like a rapidly spinning clock. When the Gravitational force is near zero, then the Strong force is near its maximum value. The data values must be sampled at 2.2 THz or faster.

Everyone in the United States is being tracked with Satellite & Cell Tower Microwave pulses. This is not a joke. See my interview with Dr Katherine Horton, PhD Physics, where we discuss the microwave satellite tracking:
Two pictures of Richard Lighthouse taken on 26 August 2021, showing the microwave targeting at night. At 5am, face is very swollen. By 5pm, swelling is diminished. This happens every night, to some degree. These are the same microwave weapons that are used for Havana Syndrome, controlled from Schriever AFB. Funded by the CIA. U.S. Patent 10,164,694
Figure 63 from - Note the "cookie-cutter" holes made by a Laser. These holes are about 30 feet (9 meters) in diameter. This is an aerial photograph of the World Trade Center taken shortly after 9-11.
Figure 37 from - Note how the vertical steel beams rapidly turn into dust. Not caused by burning jet fuel. These steel beams were more than 700 feet tall and 2 inches thick, next to the American Express Building. Rapid-aging turns the steel into dust, almost instantly, when hit with the infrared laser. This phenomenon occurs at a harmonic of the E point in Figure U-1, shown above. The infrared laser is not visible light. This infrared laser satellite was operated by the Air Force Space Command at Schriever Air Force Base on 9-11-2001.
2 videos show the 700 foot vertical beams (2" thick steel) turning into dust.
Watch and judge for yourself.
Watch and judge for yourself.
The Mathematics of Simulated Reality - Blinking Universe
Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation:
You are a Simulation & Physics Can Prove It: George Smoot, (Nobel Prize 2006) at TEDxSalford
I would like to thank the following Professors for sending their positive comments and feedback regarding my information posted online:
Dr Altan Cakir, Associate Professor, Fermilab Scientist
Dr Derek Barge, Doctoral thesis at UCSB on Supersymmetry
Dr Robert Rogers, Materials Scientist, Savannah River National Lab
Dr Ram Thakur, Professor of Experimental Physics, previously with INFN
Dr Dieter Weller, Physics Professor
Dr Narayan Bhadra, Professor of Mathematics
Dr Steven Tzenet, Scientist, Accelerator and Beam physics
= = = = = = = =
New: On 23 July 2020, Richard Lighthouse began sending the world's first, trans-universe signal. By utilizing the sub-harmonics of the Lighthouse frequency (1.101 THz), it is possible to send a weak pulse signal instantly, to all points in the universe. Let's find out who's listening...
Here's how to do this:
1) Use a Signal Generator to perform an RF sweep between 1075 MHz - 1076 MHz. (Target is 1075.5485 MHz)
Step Time = 1 millisecond
Step Size = 1000 Hz
Better yet, perform an RF sweep at 4302.1 MHz - 4302.3 MHz (Target is 4302.1939 MHz)
The ADF4351 Signal Generator with a display screen costs about $40.
Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation:
You are a Simulation & Physics Can Prove It: George Smoot, (Nobel Prize 2006) at TEDxSalford
I would like to thank the following Professors for sending their positive comments and feedback regarding my information posted online:
Dr Altan Cakir, Associate Professor, Fermilab Scientist
Dr Derek Barge, Doctoral thesis at UCSB on Supersymmetry
Dr Robert Rogers, Materials Scientist, Savannah River National Lab
Dr Ram Thakur, Professor of Experimental Physics, previously with INFN
Dr Dieter Weller, Physics Professor
Dr Narayan Bhadra, Professor of Mathematics
Dr Steven Tzenet, Scientist, Accelerator and Beam physics
= = = = = = = =
New: On 23 July 2020, Richard Lighthouse began sending the world's first, trans-universe signal. By utilizing the sub-harmonics of the Lighthouse frequency (1.101 THz), it is possible to send a weak pulse signal instantly, to all points in the universe. Let's find out who's listening...
Here's how to do this:
1) Use a Signal Generator to perform an RF sweep between 1075 MHz - 1076 MHz. (Target is 1075.5485 MHz)
Step Time = 1 millisecond
Step Size = 1000 Hz
Better yet, perform an RF sweep at 4302.1 MHz - 4302.3 MHz (Target is 4302.1939 MHz)
The ADF4351 Signal Generator with a display screen costs about $40.
#AbolishCIA #DeFundCIA
"The CIA formed ISIS."
- Wayne Madsen, former Naval Officer and NSA Officer
"The CIA is funding ISIS through secret Swiss Bank accounts."
- Dr Scott Bennett, Army Intelligence Officer
"There is no al-Qaeda. The so called al-Qaeda that we see are actually with Mossad & CIA ...trained mercenary gangs"
- Robin Cook, British Foreign Secretary
"The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism."
- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief
“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole… we had entire training courses."
-- Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
- William Colby, former CIA Director
This email, e-books, website content, phone calls, and interviews, etc., are expressions of opinions - which are protected under free speech. See Brandenburg v. Ohio.
If you provide your contact information, we may use it to contact you about relevant information.
"The CIA formed ISIS."
- Wayne Madsen, former Naval Officer and NSA Officer
"The CIA is funding ISIS through secret Swiss Bank accounts."
- Dr Scott Bennett, Army Intelligence Officer
"There is no al-Qaeda. The so called al-Qaeda that we see are actually with Mossad & CIA ...trained mercenary gangs"
- Robin Cook, British Foreign Secretary
"The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism."
- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief
“I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole… we had entire training courses."
-- Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
- William Colby, former CIA Director
This email, e-books, website content, phone calls, and interviews, etc., are expressions of opinions - which are protected under free speech. See Brandenburg v. Ohio.
If you provide your contact information, we may use it to contact you about relevant information.
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"There is no 'outside.' Everything is inside." -- Richard Lighthouse
"There is no 'outside.' Everything is inside." -- Richard Lighthouse