Microwave Burns on the Face
In the summer of 2019, this author was attacked with microwave weapons every night, that were focused on my face. This is different than the targeting that I received for several years, which focused on my head and brain. The burns on my hands from the Spring of 2018, are still very visible. The melanin appears to be permanently destroyed. The attacks on my hands started happening, when I began teaching others how to use their hands, to “feel” for the microwave beams that are coming from cell towers.
The attacks on my face, seem to be primarily directed at the root of the teeth, and at the glands in the brain. I suspect the government criminals will try to degrade the resolution of these pictures, which they have done with other pictures that I download from the camera. The Nikon and Canon digital cameras that I use, have very good autofocus systems. And the pictures look great when I download them. They are obviously degraded from the original image. Future researchers can check to determine if the pictures have been altered. The video images can be seen at TargetedJustice dot com, under the news section. Don’t be surprised if the video is blocked or very slow to view. The whole video should download in less than 10 seconds for most U.S. viewers.