Everyone is being Tracked & hit with Subliminal Messages
Everyone in the United States is being tracked with Satellite Microwave pulses - directed at your head.
Place your hand FIRMLY on the top-back part of your head, and hold it for 60 seconds. You will begin to feel the "pops" and pulses on your knuckles. The top of your hand will begin to "tingle."
Everyone in the United States is being tracked with Satellite Microwave pulses - directed at your head.
Place your hand FIRMLY on the top-back part of your head, and hold it for 60 seconds. You will begin to feel the "pops" and pulses on your knuckles. The top of your hand will begin to "tingle."
Flyers for Public Distribution - please place them on car windshields & tape to front doors.
We apologize for obvious errors, the government criminals are hacking and altering our web site.)
TargetedJustice.com - Our Main Message:
1) More than 200,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., are being tracked and attacked with High-Powered Microwave (HPM) weapons, from satellites and cell towers, 24/7. These weapons are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. See our pictures of microwave burns as proof: https://www.targetedjustice.com/microwave-burns1.html
This is the same weapon system, that was used on the U.S. Diplomats in Cuba (Havana Syndrome).
Many famous people are Targeted Individuals: Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, and William Binney.
Also, Roseanne Barr, Van Morrison, and John McAfee. They are hit with painful microwave attacks every day.
2) Most people in the world, are being precisely tracked by microwave pulses using Lockheed GPS satellites, operated by the U.S. Space Force, Squadron 2, at Schriever Air Force Base - Colorado Springs. This is the largest satellite operations facility in the world. (No, this is not Russia or China. It is funded and controlled by the CIA.)
3) Panel antennas on cell towers are part of a "global distributed weapon system." The antennas use digital beamforming to create microwave "bullets," that can be very painful, and even lethal.
4) Subliminal messages are directed through Cell Towers, at everyone, 24/7. Schriever AFB is the control source. U.S. Patent 4,877,027. Senators, Congressmen, Judges, and even the President, are being hit with specific subliminal messages to affect their decisions.
5) Approximately 1/3 of the global population is "highly suggestible" and easily manipulated by these subliminal messages, because they are effectively in a Deep Trance, even while their eyes are open. These people can be commanded to say or do, almost anything. Many secondary personalities are also involved.
6) The CIA controls and funds this illegal program, with direction from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The program is based on MK-Ultra mind control technology, and the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO.
7) Many people can feel the satellite-tracking microwave pulse, on the top-back part of your head – about one pulse each second. Many people can hear the cell tower tracking "popcorn," by cupping your hands over your ears for 60 seconds.
8) This article quotes NSA data - as of 2019, there are 200,000 Targeted Individuals in the United States, and more than 5.5 million worldwide. The FBI calls these people "Targets," or "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)."
9) Latest Videos from Targeted Justice:
We apologize for obvious errors, the government criminals are hacking and altering our web site.)
TargetedJustice.com - Our Main Message:
1) More than 200,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., are being tracked and attacked with High-Powered Microwave (HPM) weapons, from satellites and cell towers, 24/7. These weapons are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. See our pictures of microwave burns as proof: https://www.targetedjustice.com/microwave-burns1.html
This is the same weapon system, that was used on the U.S. Diplomats in Cuba (Havana Syndrome).
Many famous people are Targeted Individuals: Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, and William Binney.
Also, Roseanne Barr, Van Morrison, and John McAfee. They are hit with painful microwave attacks every day.
2) Most people in the world, are being precisely tracked by microwave pulses using Lockheed GPS satellites, operated by the U.S. Space Force, Squadron 2, at Schriever Air Force Base - Colorado Springs. This is the largest satellite operations facility in the world. (No, this is not Russia or China. It is funded and controlled by the CIA.)
3) Panel antennas on cell towers are part of a "global distributed weapon system." The antennas use digital beamforming to create microwave "bullets," that can be very painful, and even lethal.
4) Subliminal messages are directed through Cell Towers, at everyone, 24/7. Schriever AFB is the control source. U.S. Patent 4,877,027. Senators, Congressmen, Judges, and even the President, are being hit with specific subliminal messages to affect their decisions.
5) Approximately 1/3 of the global population is "highly suggestible" and easily manipulated by these subliminal messages, because they are effectively in a Deep Trance, even while their eyes are open. These people can be commanded to say or do, almost anything. Many secondary personalities are also involved.
6) The CIA controls and funds this illegal program, with direction from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The program is based on MK-Ultra mind control technology, and the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO.
7) Many people can feel the satellite-tracking microwave pulse, on the top-back part of your head – about one pulse each second. Many people can hear the cell tower tracking "popcorn," by cupping your hands over your ears for 60 seconds.
8) This article quotes NSA data - as of 2019, there are 200,000 Targeted Individuals in the United States, and more than 5.5 million worldwide. The FBI calls these people "Targets," or "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)."
9) Latest Videos from Targeted Justice:
Interview with Dr Katherine Horton, Physics Professor from Oxford University, where we discuss the microwave satellite tracking, Oct 2018:
Interview with Kerry Cassidy, Feb 2019
If you do not feel the microwave pulses, try placing your forearm over the top-back part of your head - you will feel the pulses about once each second. You can also wet your hair and sit for 10 minutes. There will be a 3 inch circular area, on the top-back part of your head, that will dry very fast, because it is being hit with microwave heating.
The constant microwaves cause "ringing in the ears" or tinnitus, in many people.
The USAF Space Command at Schriever Air Force Base operates the satellites and the CIA in Denver provides the funding for this illegal program. Satellite tracking frequencies are 3600 - 3750 MHz. The microwaves cause brain damage. The President of the United States and most Congressmen do not know about this illegal program.
Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the GPS satellites. Three companies designed and built the latest NavStar satellite tracking and targeting system for the USAF - Exelis Geospatial (Rochester, NY) and Lockheed Martin Space Systems (Littleton, CO). Raytheon is designing the new Operational Control system for ground controllers. Make no mistake - this is a military weapon system that is being directed at every person in the United States.
The CIA is also using subliminal messaging as part of this effort, in an attempt to control or manipulate the entire population. This is not a joke. It is not a conspiracy theory. There is real court evidence to support this information. Two FBI agents have provided sworn affidavits that this program is real - Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee (SosbeeVFBI.com). 21 medical doctors have confirmed these microwave weapons are real, and being directed at civilians. Also see the recent "sonic" attacks on the Cuban diplomats - these are also microwave weapons according to Dr Douglas Smith, MD and Dr Beatrice Golomb, MD.
Every cell tower within several miles is being used to “ping” your location and hit you with subliminal messages, 24 hours each day. The satellite GPS coordinates are transferred from Schriever Air Force Base, and use digital beam forming to hit you with a focused microwave "bullet". This technology can hit thousands of people each second from one, 5G antenna. This is the real reason that the Deep State wants the 5G antennas installed everywhere.
Microwave "bullets" (approx 0.5" DIA) are directed at your head from cell towers. To prove it - hold your hand out, level with your head, and your palm facing you. Slowly turn through a full circle and feel the pulses and "pops" on your finger joints. Sometimes, it will feel like a pressure or tingling on the back of your fingers. These microwave "bullets" are coming from cell towers and they are directed at your head - 24/7. Frequencies used are usually 2300 - 2700 MHz. The subliminal messages are carried at approx. 450 - 700 MHZ (Patent # 5289438)
See the handout for more information.
See the handout for more information.
flyer-everyone-17june.pdf |
Interview with Dr Katherine Horton, Physics Professor from Oxford University - Oct 2018:
Dr Bill Deagle, M.D. - My experience at Schriever Air Force Base:
Resumes of Space Weapons Officers at Schriever SFB.
"The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism."
--- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief
#AbolishCIA #DeFundCIA
--- Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief
#AbolishCIA #DeFundCIA